What are some good camping areas close to San Francisco?
We are flying into San Francisco in the middle of May to go camping. We would like either beach access, or redwoods, or both would be great. Something within 3 hours of San Fran where we could rent a cabin (we will consider tent camping but flying with all the gear would be difficult). We will have a 3 year old with us so something kid friendly with rangers/security of some kind is needed. Right now we are mostly looking at Big Basin, but we are searching for other options as well. Any suggestions?
6 Responses
Light Knight
28 Jan 2010
28 Jan 2010
Years ago(maybe30?) we camped at a park called Samuel P. Taylor state park. Beautiful redwood setting. As I recall, it was with an hours drive of the north end of Golden Gate bridge. Not sure if cabins are available, but might be worth checking out.
28 Jan 2010
hey beby u can camp in my yard or in my room
28 Jan 2010
lake tulloch- a great place to camp. very kid friendly. nice cabins, store and restaurant with video games for kids, bar for adults. beach area and hiking. my favorite place about 2 hours from sf
From the Bay Area:
Take Highway 99 to Route 120 East towards Sonora and Yosemite. Take a left turn 13 miles east of Oakdale at Southshore Lake Tulloch. The GateHouse is approximately 4
1/2 miles down Tulloch Road.
Boat Rentals at Lake Tulloch Boat Rentals
Call 209.881.3410 or 1.866.979.2628 for reservations.
Hot Showers
Swim Beach
Flush Toilets
General Store
Courtesy Docks
Hiking Trails
28 Jan 2010
lake berryessa!!!
13 May 2015
before in a similarly houeids generalization, women are the WORST passengers, especially when you’re married to them (forgive me, Sophia!). Good news: you can now do traffic school online and it’s a total joke. Way better than the 8 consecutive hours I had to spend at the Comedy Improv traffic school for my last ticket (but we did get free pizza).
You might want to look into a KOA Cabin. They have several locations throughout the state.
Since you were thinking about Big Basin here is a link to the one in Santa Cruz County.