My parents are taking my husband, my baby(who will be just shy of four months), and me to Disneyland and some other CA attractions. I need tips on going with an extremely low budget(they are paying for it, but aren’t very well off, just determined to go!), and making life a little easier being there with a baby. We will be stopping in Las Vegas on the way and probably spending the night. It is about 19 hours in a car both directions. The biggest help I need is with bringing food to prevent eating out. However, any tips would be WONDERFUL!
The family joke is that Disneyland is our "Mecca", we have to go as often as we can. The reason my dad is so determined to go is because he wants to go with the whole family(my brother(16) and sister(15) are going as well) around the time each grandchild is born. We don’t do many family vacations besides camping, but Disneyland is a constant! So I’m not too worried about my baby not remembering this trip because we have always gone at least once every five years or so(once when my brother was only one month old!).
I’m also BFing. And it’s not like we are doing a daytrip to Disneyland. This is going to be like, a ten day vacation involving Disneyland, the beach, Las Vegas, Palm Springs, and I don’t know what else yet.