What can you tell me about the HUmboldt Park neighborhood in Chicago?
I just got a call about a teaching job at North Grand High School in the Humboldt Park area. Is it safe? How does it compare to some of the other areas?
One Response
28 Jan 2010
Well, Humboldt Park is the center of Chicago Puerto Rican community. It’s a neighborhood in a little bit of transition. Lots of low income residents and families sharing space with young urban professionls who are gentrifying the area. On warm summer or fall days, you might see young "yuppie" couples (for lack of a better word) jogging past the the guys hanging out in the park blasting tunes from their cars. It’s a colorful area, lots of Puerto Rican clothing stores and record shops and great small restaurants. But it also has a bit of a gang problem (like lots of Chicago neighborhoods). But since so many young hipsters are moving there, they must be able to deal with it, so….
To be sure there are safer, cleaner, better areas. But if you want the urban experience, it would be a good place. Since you’re teaching you won’t be hanging around the are too late at night (I guess). But if you’re unsure, you might want to get a friend and drive around the area in the daytime and early evening to see what it’s like first hand.
Not familiar with North Grand High School, but Clemente High School is the big school in that area.