I have been wanting to attend a Native American sweat lodge ceremony.?
I have Cherokee and other Native American ancestry, although I am African American. I would like to find the location of a sweat lodge in Northern California.
I have Cherokee and other Native American ancestry, although I am African American. I would like to find the location of a sweat lodge in Northern California.
We are hoping to travel to California and see some of these magnificent trees. Are all Redwood trees Sequoias? Where are we best to see them?
My husband and i are taking a delayed honeymoon soon and we want to do a roadtrip. We live in dallas and want our ultimate destination to be victoria in canada. We are having trouble figuring out a route..the following places are destinations we DEFINITELY want to hit up at some point on the trip: alberquerque, gunninson colorado, boulder, denver, las vegas, seattle, victoria, san diego, grand canyon. We have plenty of time and aren’t scrunched for money…we want to go along the coast in northern california and oregon/washington. we also want to be able to stop at cool weird places even if they are 100 miles out of the way. we are very flexible. and also, preferably we would like to do vegas on the way home. i was just wanting some suggestions on things to see and an actual route to take. please help! we would both reallllllllllly appreciate it!
Whilst diving of the coast off of a mexican coastal island over several years I have expierienced a seriously terrifyining shoal of feeding squid whom are typicaly night feeders arriving on to and above reefs with the presence of upwelling cold water currents but without a visible presence of krill
Hello! I need to get from the Long Island ISLIP MacArthur Airport to the Hilton Garden Inn in Westbury NY. Could someone please tell me a cheaper way than a cab and be specific enough that I could actually do it on my own. Thanks!
I am thinking about taking my boyfriend on a road trip up the coast. We live in San Diego so I want to head north for a few days. Some places I had in mind where San Fran, Catalina Island, San Simeon, San Luis Obispo. Anyone have any ideas? Oh and any worth wild places to check out, like I was thinking of going Hearst Castle, any other attractions we should stop for? Everyone is giving me a cities to visit but I need attractions too. I want to take him to special places we have never been before.
I’m thinking about a honeymoon in California. Whereabouts is a good place to go right now? Anywhere not cold? I LOVE nature and the redwood forests (but I’ve never been to one).
I go to a camp in the redwood forest (santa cruz) Mt. Hermon, Ponderosa Lodge (AKA Pondy) always has a theme every year and I wanted to know what theme it is this year.
Last year’s theme was Robin Hood
How should i say this "In den Ferien war ich freunde in Northern Kalifornien gebesucht."
(on my vacation, i visited friends in northern california) past tense, please help!
vielen dank!
I am going to San Francisco & Yosemite. I have time to drive to either Sequoi or Redwoods. In either case I would only go for 1 day, no long hikes, just short trails. Which one should I go to?